Adobe Media Player is a “Huge Step Forward” In the Tracking of Downloadable Media v2

Adobe Media Player is a “Huge Step Forward” In the Tracking of Downloadable Media v2

Whether or not the new Adobe Media Player (AMP) enjoys widespread adoption, the technology solves the critical issue of tracking the viewership of downloaded files, says Mike Hudack, CEO and co-founder of

While most downloaded video files come through iTunes, publishers like the Washington Post and advertisers have difficulty knowing if the files are watched and for what duration. The Adobe Media Player provides these analytics.

As many as 200 shows on are going to be seen on the AMP, Mike told me. Beet.TV is already up.

Dynamic advertising insertion is a big part of advertising on the Adobe Media Player. Integrating the ads for is YuMe, Mike told me in this interview.

Jayant Kadambi, YuMe CEO, told me yesterday that his company is both integrating overly ads into the AMP platform and providing access to the company’s advertising network. Its work for is its first implementation on AMP, he said.

Other smaller online video publishers with AMP channels include Revision3, stimTV and MyToons.

I caught up with Mike last Tuesday at the Contentinople conference where he was the keynote speaker.

— Andy Plesser

Disclosure: publishes Beet.TV video files and represents us in sponsorship sales.