Digital Coverup 1.0
About Digital Coverup
You first select the color of the blemish, then select the skin tone, and it colors the former to match the latter, along with smoothing if specified. The coverup keys on color, so the color of the blemish must be distinct enough from normal skintone for DCU to isolate it.
Dealing with footage of my adolescent daughter inspired me to write this plugin. If you’ve ever had to deal with a client who refused makeup for that bruise or blemish, try this plugin. For once you may actually be able to fix it in post.
Digital Coverup can be used for changing the color of and/or smoothing anything you can isolate colorwise. It’s been successfully used to change eye color, tone down the highlight on a bald spot, and change the color of a blanket from pink to blue. Need to make your grass greener?