Dailymotion Leads the Industry with Ogg Theora Implemetation, Works with Firefox 3.5
Now that Firefox 3.5 has been released, we will be seeing new sorts of programs for video including Ogg Theora, the open-source, non-Flash program for video.
DailyMotion, the big Paris-based video sharing site, has created a pilot to encode a several thousand clips into the format as part of an experiment. Users need the new Firefox 3.5 to view the clips.
The company announced the project in late May.
How broadly Ogg will be adopted and will it be much more than an experiment is hard to say. Also, the video player is far from perfect, but it’s an important development worth watching.
Last month at the Open Video Conference, I caught up with Dailymotion’s Sebastien Adgnot.
We think the milestone for the adoption of Ogg Theora will happen when Wikipiedia opens up to video uploads which are transcoded to the format. More on this to to come.
For an overview on Ogg Theora, you might want to watch this primer with Mike Hudack of Blip.tv
Andy Plesser, Executive Producer