The Changing Strategy of Online Video Syndication: Put Your Player Where You Want It

The Changing Strategy of Online Video Syndication: Put Your Player Where You Want It

While many video publishers seek the widest possible distribution of their videos through an embeddable player and Media RSS, some like HealthiNation and Virgin Media, are using a syndicated player which is placed on specific sites.

Controlling the “off domain” strategy is important for many publishers: Some are caution about where their videos will appear, often reflecting the concern of advertisers. For other there rights issues with their content.

Others, like are seeking to monetize their embeddable player with subtle advertising — not the more lucrative pre-roll advertising. Charlie Tillinghast, president and publisher explained this to me last week.

Last week in New York, after the Beet.TV Online Video Roundtable, I sat down with Bob Mason, co-founder and CTO of Brightcove. We spoke about this emerging syndication strategy.

Today, Brightcove announced a deal to manage video publishing and syndication.

Andy Plesser, Executive Producer