CBS Interactive’s CHOW Finds Appetite for 30 Second Food Videos

CBS Interactive’s CHOW Finds Appetite for 30 Second Food Videos

SAN FRANCISCO – Jane Goldman, editor in chief of CHOW, the CBS Interactive food site, is finding success with instructional videos as short as 30 seconds. Daisy Whitney interviewed Goldman at Beet.TV’s roundtable in San Francisco last month. Half joking, she told Daisy that CHOW keeps its online video clips short because she has a short attention span. “You can say so much in 30 seconds…there’s no need to stretch it out over minutes.” Goldman talked about CHOW’s online video segment “You’re Doing it All Wrong.” Since there is never a lot that’s new in food, these short videos rehash recipes and tell how we are making common mistakes. For example, it’s best to grate the cheese to make grilled cheese sandwiches. Goldman was the former executive editor of the Industry Standard, then launched CHOW which was acquired by CNET in 2006 and later became part of CBS Interactive. Last year, she was given the added role of editor and chief of Allison Salewski, Associate Producer