YuMe Taps Booming Growth in Mobile Video Advertising in Europe
In the last year, YuMe in Europe has worked on more than 300 mobile ad campaigns with more than 500 publishers, Owens tells Beet.TV. Beet.TV's correspondent Ashley Swartz caught up with Hanks in this video inteview taped at the DMEXCO conference. She is a regular contributor to Beet.TV. She is former head of the interactive television practice at Digitas. "We have to understand the needs of [each market] before we launch in each market," he says.
COLOGNE – Digital video isn't quite a four-screen proposition yet in Europe, but mobile video is growing quickly in places like the United Kingdom, says Owen Hanks, General Manager for Mobile-Europe for ad network and technology company YuMe. In addition, the type of arrangements and partnerships with publishers in Europe can be very different than in the United States. The growth rate for mobile video in the United Kingdom has been around 400%, he adds. As an example, mobile video and connected TV are strong in France, while Spain is widening its focus to mobile, connected TV and online, he says. He explains how in this video interview.Hanks joined YuMe via acquisition of his company Appealing Media in 2011.Ashley Swartz is a principal of the New York-based consultancy Furious Minds.