ParticleMetrix 1.0
About ParticleMetrix
Explode video into stars or burn it up into smoke. Write on text with glitter or dissolve objects into bubbles. Add sparkle to transitions, or shatter into pixels. All are one click away with ParticleMetrix. This revolutionary plugin turns live video, objects and text into particle emitters. Literally blow anything up into thousands of particles using pre-loaded or user specified pieces. Build objects from particles by toggling the effect to reverse.
We don’t stop there though, precise controls allow the user to emulate finer effects. Text can be blown away into sand, objects to dust. Video content moves even having been blown apart in 3D! This plugin has been designed and optimised for Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Express, Motion and After Effects. With over 50 presets, this plugin will give instant gloss and creativity. Easy to install & use this cutting edge plugin takes animating or revealing objects to a new level.