Finisher for FCP 1.1
About Finisher for FCP
The perfect tool for the end of the editorial process. When you’re close to finished with your basic assemble – the so-called “radio cut” where the entire focus has been on telling the story – send the Sequence and bins of b-roll out to Finisher to get that finished polish in minutes. Finisher will use all the log notes prepared for First Cuts to produce the best results, but Finisher does not require any metadata. Quality metadata will always improve the results but you’d be surprised how good the results can be from some very simple notes.
Two Modes: Finisher has two distinct uses: as an adjunct to First Cuts for FCP ‘finishing’ work in progress for preview screenings to producers or financiers; and secondly as a great tool for rapidly, and inexpensively, creating simple ‘trade show’ style videos, where there is a basic single-take interview and b-roll to be added. Testing of this second mode at NAB 2009 gave us a case study demonstrating that it is possible to scale the editing of these videos